Initiative and Innovation Alignment and Review

This session guides District Implementation Teams in establishing processes for aligning and reviewing educational initiatives, innovations, and assessments.


  1. Interactive Review
  2. Initiative Inventory and Alignment Process
  3. Initiative and Innovation Review Process
  4. Next Steps

Intended Outcomes

  • Explain the purpose of an initiative inventory, alignment process, and review process
  • Develop and use an Initiative Inventory and Alignment Process
  • Develop and use an Initiative and Innovation Review Process


  • Develop and share drafts of the alignment and review processes with executive leadership for final approval
  • Plan to use the initiative inventory and alignment process for at least one focus area and the review process with at least one initiative from the initiative inventory to “re-select” or ”de-select” it
  • Plan for communicating the results with stakeholders and explaining their role in using the processes in the future
  • Complete the items outlined in the District Installation Checklists
  • Plan to administer the DCA within the established administration timeline
  • Consider additional TA your district may want to access in the future